GATE Virtual Calculator 2018 – Practice Here!

Rejoice GATE aspirants! The GATE Virtual Calculator for 2018 is now live! You can get the direct link here as well as practice right here on Testbook! This Scientific Calculator will be as per the GATE Virtual Calculator you will see on your computer screen at the time of GATE 2018 examination. IIT Roorkee’s Special GATE Virtual Calculator also has a special “Help” feature to tell you the “Do”s, “Don’t”s and Limitations of this GATE Scientific Calculator.
Make sure to get sufficient practice on this GATE Virtual Calculator 2018 so that your GATE examination proceeds without a hitch. Familiarize yourself with all its aspects and functionalities. Pick up speed and learn where all the different functions are located so there are no last-minute surprises. The GATE 2018 Virtual Calculator has been released officially on the GATE website itself so this is the final version.

GATE Virtual Calculator 2018

You can now practice on the GATE Virtual Calculator 2018 right here! Don’t waste time. Start now.

In case you are unable to use this here, you can practice directly on the GATE website.

The GATE paper will have a virtual calculator in lieu of a physical scientific calculator. Students will no longer be allowed to carry physical calculators (scientific or otherwise) inside the examination hall. This change is expected to cut down cheating but will increase the time spent by student per question. The virtual calculator will be available for use at any time during the examination. It will be easily accessible from the test platform, most likely above the question palette.
You can read the complete list of Do’s, Don’t’s and Limitations here.

Do’s of GATE Virtual Calculator 2018

  • Be sure to press [C] when beginning a new calculation.
  • Simply an equation using parenthesis and other mathematical operators.
  • Use the predefined operations such as p (Pi), log, Exp to save time during calculation.
  • Use memory function for calculating cumulative totals.
  • [M+]: Will add displayed value to memory.
  • [MR]: Will recall the value stored in memory.
  • [M-]: Subtracts the displayed value from memory.
  • Be sure select the angle unit (Deg or Rad) before beginning any calculation.
Note: By default angle unit is set as Degree.

Don’t’s of GATE Virtual Calculator 2018

  • Perform multiple operations together.
  • Leave parenthesis unbalanced.
  • Change the angle unit (Deg or Rad) while performing a calculation.

Limitations of GATE Virtual Calculator

  • Keyboard operation is disabled.
  • The output for a Factorial calculation is precise up to 14 digits.
  • The output for Logarithmic and Hyperbolic calculations is precise up to 5 digits.
  • Modulus (mod) operation performed on decimal numbers with 15 digits would not be precise.
  • Use mod operation only if the number comprises of less than 15 digits i.e. mod operation provides best results for smaller numbers.
  • The range of value supported by the calculator is 10(-323) to 10(308).
It is advised that you practice as much as possible on the GATE 2018 Virtual Calculator. This will help increase efficiency and familiarity with all functionalities. Give yourself the best chance to crack GATE 2018. We hope that you make the best of this opportunity.


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